Be alive. Be strong. Be happy. Just be.
«The real Guru is the practice, nobody else» David Swenson
Cultivate a healthy body, quiet mind, open heart and vibrant spirit.
Ashtanga Yoga comes from a genealogy, of about five thousand years ago. It is considered one of the most dynamic forms of yoga, suitable for all, which, through the continuous flow and harmonising each motion with breath, creates a state of kinetic meditation that purifies body and spirit.
Yin Yoga affects the connective tissues of the spine and the hip joint, developing the flexibility of these areas and balancing the nervous system. Emphasis is placed on staying in asana for a long time, leading the body and mind into deep relaxation.
The term Vinyasa means “synchronization of movement & breath”, as each breath corresponds literally to a physical movement. This technique is also called Flow because of the harmonic flow through which one moves from one asana to the other, which creates a harmony of movements that resembles a dance.
Transform your body, mind, and life today.
Harmonise your body, mind and inner self.

Be Strong. Be Flexible. Be Peaceful. Be a Yogi. One Breath at a Time.
Yoga is a spiritual path that leads to the center of yourself. It’s is a hero’s journey that takes you through valleys of darkness where you will meet fear, anxiety, sadness, anger, pride, jealousy and much more on the way.
Along the way you cultivate the tool of the equanimous mind so that you can be strong and be brave. Once you arrive at the center of yourself a wellspring of light, knowledge, peace and love fills your heart.
Practice until your cup overflows. Practice until your world changes. Practice until there is nothing left but the pure joy of surrender. Believe in yourself through the power of yoga. Practice every day. Never give up.
“Begin your journey to a better life with peace, love, and happiness”